So, i have been printing planes for a few weeks. These are few things i have noted/learned.
- 3D Printing is like magic, it may work perfect and all of a sudden, all your prints fail (for no apparent reason)
- Printing planes will teach you a few virtuous. Patience for one (printing can take forever, days/weeks) and persistence (If you don't finish all the plane parts, you have no plane to fly)
- Love your kitchen scale, after printing... weight your printed part. If it's too heavy, tweak your Cura settings and try again.
- Start with printing small parts, until you get you setup (printer/settings) right.
- Don't print all your plane parts at once, otherwise if the print fails, all the parts are bad. Do it one at a time.
- If 3D printing a plane was easy, everyone would be doing it.
Some may be obvious, some you will learn after you have started. But feel free to add your own points to the list.