What do I need to fly these 3D Printed Aircraft
The Creality Ender 5 Pro is the printer in use here at Rc3Dprint Towers. The cube design makes it really sturdy, it has a HUGE print area, printing up to 400mm in Z (that's more than 33% bigger than a Prusa). This updated version has auto bed levelling installed.
However it is more expensive than the Ender 3.
Buy from Banggood here.
The CR-10 sits above the Ender series in Creality's printer line up. With its massive e build volume and direct drive (meaning no need for Bowden tubes) it is a versatile printer for exotic materials such as LW-PLA and TPU.
I have had nothing but good experiences with there printers, the CR-10 V3 will be my next printer purchase.

The FLSUN is a delta printer, this means the bed doesn't move. theoretically this means you only need to level the print bed once with the auto bed levelling. This printer has a large print volume which is highly suited to 3D printed planes.
Get it from Banggood here.
This entry level 3D printer has won countless awards. It has a large enough print bed size and is easily capable enough for printing 3D printed planes and the models.
It is common to find that the print beds are not perfectly flat but this version comes with a glass print bed to solve this problem.
Buy from Banggood here.
Buy from Amazon here

This Flsky transmitter is plenty of radio to get you started at a REALLY low price.
Buy from Banggood here.
This starter kit will do just that's, get you started. It contains a single 2217 motor, 2 x 1060 props and a 40amp ESC, aswell as 2 x servos.
You will need a few more servos for our models and it goes without saying the twin engine models need 2 motors!
At this price I would buy 2 of these.
Buy from Banggood here.
Batteries come ins all sorts of sizes and voltages. This 2200mAh 3 cell is the one that I commonly use when testing these models.
Buy from Banggood here.

Pultruded Carbon Tube
These carbon rods feature in some of our aircraft designs, especially when printing in LW-PLA.
Buy from Amazon in various sizes here.
This little magnets are perfect for canopy attchments as they are small but super strong. Click Here
Frequently Asked Questions
So, how does it work?
Purchase a plane from our store and you will receive a download containing instructions and .STL files (3D model files). Put the models into a slicer program, such as Cura or Slic3er, there print on your own desktop 3D printer.
Follow the assembly instructions once all the parts are printed and... voila!
Do I get everything I need to fly the plane?
No. You will need your own RC gear such as radio, motors batteries and servos. See the list above.
Do I need to have a 3d printer?
Yes. You need to have access to a 3D printer. After ordering we will only send you digital files.
All of our designs are made so that you can print them on a 3D printer with 220cm x 220cm x250cm bed printing area.
For good entry level printers look at the list above.
What if I crash the plane? Are they easy to fly?
Crashing happens. Recover what parts you can, then print the parts you need again!
Some of our planes are easy, some are for advanced flyers. In the description of the plane we are sure to tell you what skill level it is aimed at.